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Writer's pictureCDT 1C Loy-od Ulysses


Updated: Feb 14, 2023

PHOTOS: Cadets from the PNPA and members of the SWAT Team conducted checkpoints on different streets in Baguio City.

“How are you today?, Driver’s check point. Make sure you’re wearing your seat belt and have your insurance. Have a good day and be careful.—David King[1]

PCDT ULYSSES DURAN LOY-OD, along with other PNPA Cadets, assisted the Baguio City Mobile Force Company, led by PLT JUN PATOT TAD-O, in conducting a low risk checkpoint along West of America, Loakan Road, Baguio City, under the command of Force Commander PLTCOL RENNY DIOSAN LIZARDO and leadership of the City Director PCOL FRANCISCO BAYUBAY BULWAYAN. Vehicular or pedestrian traffic checks are typically done to enforce circulation, control measures, and other laws, orders, and regulations which aim to deter or even solve crime by the apprehension of erring individuals.

According to the law, a checkpoint is a location where the military or police check vehicular or pedestrian traffic in order to enforce circulation control measures and other laws, orders, and regulations, and it involves only a brief detention of travelers during which the vehicle's occupants are required to answer a brief question or two. It will be made up of the following members: the Team Leader, the Spotter, the Spokesperson, the Investigation Sub-Team, the Search/Arresting Sub-Team, the Security Sub-Team, and the Blocking/ Pursuing Sub-Team.

It could be done for the purpose of flagging down an identified fleeing suspect or criminal, known as a Hasty Checkpoint, or for the purpose of enforcing traffic laws, known as a Regular Police Checkpoint or a low-risk checkpoint. We conducted a low-risk checkpoint where we randomly inspected passing vehicles for any potential violations in plain view or visual range, and we stopped vehicles that were clearly in violation, such as motorcycle riders who were riding without a helmet or wearing shorts and slippers. However, the team leader made sure to notify the headquarters before doing so.

Checkpoints play a significant role in enforcing traffic laws and regulating motorist violations. They serve as a deterrent to drivers who may be tempted to violate traffic laws and regulations, such as driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, speeding, or failing to wear a seatbelt. As a usual set up, the Philippine National Police (PNP) and other enforcement agencies during a checkpoint, may inspect vehicles for compliance with traffic laws and regulations, including the use of seatbelts and the presence of valid driver's licenses. Also, serve as an opportunity for the PNP and other enforcement agencies to educate the public about the importance of following traffic laws and regulations including information about the dangers of driving under the influence, the importance of wearing seatbelts, other road safety tips and help ensure that roads are safe for all users.

As we observed, most common violations we encountered during the checkpoint are those who are driving without license, having an expired license, driving unregistered vehicle, and wearing shorts and sleepers. In some other cases, there are motorist who, upon seeing the checkpoint signage make an abrupt U-turn to avoid being caught and paying a fine. Even if your area is on low risk checkpoint, you must remain vigilant at all times because we never know when an accident will occur.

"Lead your men and set as example to your subordinates"[2]

[1] L. Q. S. (n.d.). How are you today? Driver’s check point. Make sure you’re wearing your seat belt and have your insurance. Have a good day and be careful. In [2] 7 Ways to Lead by Example (and Why It Matters). (2021, May 28). In 7 Ways to Lead by Example (and Why It Matters).

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